An Adventure to Recapture One's Soul
Would you be willing to donate to support the epic adventure documentary? 

I am working hard to support and bring awareness to veteran healing and family reunification following 20+ years of active combat. 

I am currently planning an epic adventure documentary that will hopefully bring immediate visibility to invisible wounds of war that are currently affecting veterans and their families…….this is why I am asking for your help. With your resources and involvement in the Pararescue community, together we could make an incredible difference.

Would you be willing to donate in-kind to help this amazing cause?  I’d be happy to thank you publicly, put your company’s name on event literature and documentary in exchange to show how much we appreciate this.

If you’d like to begin this partnership, please don’t hesitate to contact me at (910) 584-4530, or email me at jonah.biddick@gmail.com and we can start our conversation.

Thank you for your help.......Jonah Biddick

Saltwater Tears - An Adventure to Recapture One’s Soul

An epic journey about two brothers attempting to recapture their lost souls.  Life’s worldly battles pulled the brothers apart, but now the search for wisdom through adventure is bringing them back together. 

In the mid-to-late 1980’s an older brother, Brian (no-more-than 16 years old) extended his love for surfing to his younger brother, Jonah (only 10 at the time).  This gesture blossomed into a full blown mentorship and life long lessons that have transcended the ocean and the meditative act of riding waves.  Their mother and father were busy throughout much of this time dealing with their own worldly battles.  Despite uncertain times at home the brothers marched on and grew ever closer and shared much of their formative adolescent years together.  Brian went off and joined the Navy, got married to his high school sweetheart, had kids, got divorced, got remarried (to the same woman -- soulmates for sure), moved to Louisiana, ect, ect, ect.  While Jonah struggled without his brother’s mentorship, lost his way in high school, joined the Air Force, deployed 17 times as a Special Operations Pararescueman, retired after 25 years of service and struggled to refind himself.

Brian Biddick (BB / age 53) & Jonah Biddick (JB / age 47) will embark on an amazing motorcycle surfing adventure and document an estimated 30 days roaming / some 10,000 miles through 17 states and 2 countries: from Florida to Louisiana, Mainland Mexico to Baja, Southern California to Texas and everywhere between.  The ultimate goal is to get off the beaten path and surf perfect and crappy waves, get back to the basics, meet new and old friends alike, share stories, discuss life’s meaning and heal lifelong wounds along the way.


“The relationship of self to others is the complete realization that loving yourself is impossible without loving everything defined as other than yourself”

-Alan Watts

Project Overview

Project Target Start Date: TBD
Project Target Completion Date: TBD

Phase 1:  Funding / Sponsors & preparation
Secure Funding / Sponsors
Start Social Media Campaign / Trailer Production & Publishing
Promote Sponsors

Phase 2:  Execution
- Florida → Louisiana - Link up with BB
- Lafayette, LA - Coord with Local Musicians / Foundations
- Lafayette, LA - Gear & Equipment Preparation / Planning
- Louisiana → Texas:  Link up with Friends
- Explore Texas Gulf Coast
- Explore Mainland Mexico Gulf Coast
- Explore Mainland Mexico Pacific Coast
- Explore Baja California Coastline
- So Cal: Link up with Childhood Friends
Explore So Cal Coast
- So Cal: Coord with Surf Industry / Foundations
- California → Texas - Explore Local Adventures / Cultures
- Dallas, TX - Link up with Father & Sister / Reunite as a Family
- Texas → Louisiana - Explore Local Culture / Reunite as a Family​​​​​​​
- Produce Musical Score with Local Musicians / Foundations
- Louisiana → Florida:  Reunites with Family

Phase 3:  Post Production
Finalize and Review Video Edit
Film Festival Premier


“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.  Today I am wise, so I am changing myself"


Potential Veteran Non Profit Sponsors:
Pararescue Foundation 
Wounded Warrior Program 
Veterans Institute for Film & Media 
Veteran Overland 
Veterans Expeditions 
Adventure Vet 
Motorcycle Relief Project 
Beneath the Surface 
Operation Surf
One More Wave Surf Corp

Potential Corporation Partners / Sponsors:
Allen White Surfboards 
Ho Stevie 
Royal Enfield Motorcycles 
Sky Powersports 
Blender Sunglasses 

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